I Am My Body,
My Body is Me
Perthmore, March 19, 2017
So often,
Too often,
A line is drawn.
The body
On one side.
The mind,
The emotions,
The psyche,
The soul,
On the other.
Illness comes.
For me:
Chronic pain.
For others,
An endless list:
And pain.
Battle lines
Are drawn.
The body cries out:
Oh why,
Have you done this
To me?
The mind cries back:
But it is you,
It is you
Who have done it
To me.
It becomes a fight.
The mind fighting
The body.
The body the mind.
Waging war,
Doing battle,
Day in,
Day out.
After very long night.
And we forget.
We forget
That mind and body
Are one.
There is no divide.
What happens
In the mind,
So happens
In the body.
What happens
In the body,
So happens
In the mind.
The only betrayal,
Is that
Of ourselves
To ourselves.
Not a betrayal
Of mind on body,
Or body on mind.
But the betrayal
When we forget
To listen
To the body,
Its whispers,
And its screams.
Illness comes,
Perhaps even slightly benign,
At first.
We push through.
We dominate.
And unforgiving.
We forget to listen.
We forget to care.
For this,
Our body,
The only body
We have.
We wear it down.
We wear it out.
The pain persists.
We still push on.
The pain worsens
We still push on.
The pain dominates.
We still push on.
Then the lamentation:
Mind to Body:
Oh why,
Have you done this
To me?
If only
We had listened,
To those Whispers.
To the whispers become screams.
If only,
We had cared for
That body.
The body
That houses
The mind,
The soul,
The essence
Of the being
That we are
And without which
We cannot exist
On this earth.
If only,
We had:
Walked together,
Mind and body,
Body and mind,
Through this wilderness
Of life.
Through its beauty,
And its darkness.
To come out,
At the end,
As one:
One body,
And psyche.
For those who engage
In this fight,
In this battle,
Step back.
Step back,
From that line.
Look into body,
And soul.
Look deeply,
And remember,
To care
For your own self,
For your own body,
Mind, psyche, and soul,
With all the love,
All the compassion,
All the tenderness,
That you hold
In your hearts,
And minds,
For others.
For the children,
The poor,
The downtrodden,
The suffering,
All the vulnerable creatures,
And small.
Care for your own child,
Your own vulnerable child within,
As you would
For the vulnerable child without.
Who else will care
If you don’t?
Who else is there
Who can listen to,
Who can hear,
The whispers?
Who else is there
Who can listen to,
Who can hear,
The screams?